Organic & Conventional Citrus

Juicy and Delicious, Ranging From Sweetly Balanced to Refreshingly Tart

Organic & Conventional Mandarins

Earliest California Mandarins

Two proprietary varieties bookend the season, from the sweet Early Dulce in October to the hearty Klondike, which extends California mandarin season into June.

Available As:


Organic Lemons

Year-Round Availability

Fruit World offers a year-round organic lemon program, producing fruit out of every California growing district.

While peak season is November through May, we support a limited but steady supply throughout the summer.

To squeeze the highest value out of Fruit World lemons, learn more about our program business.


Organic Oranges

Peak Flavor Fruit

Our year-round organic California orange program provides summer Valencias, winter Navels, and bountiful, delightful varieties.

To add a slice to your smile, peruse our Pack Style Guide.


Organic Specialty Citrus

Differentiate From Competitors

From certified organic Minneolas and Satsuma mandarins to Cara Cara oranges and Meyer lemons, these standout varieties really are something special.

We don’t shy away from heirloom, challenging to grow, or lower yielding varieties of perfectly delectable fruit. Fruit World puts the toil in the soil.

To juice up your citrus program, check out our seasonal Availability Calendar.

Feel the Smith Mountain Sunshine. Taste the Fruit World Difference.

Grown on land that’s been in the Kaprielian family for three generations in some of the most highly mineralized soil in the San Joaquin Valley, Fruit World’s proprietary Sky Nules are deeply flavorful with a rich color.